How to Simply Build a Chicken Coop Nest

Chickens are not very fussy about where they nest to lay eggs. Any old structure or tall grass seems like a perfect area to lay eggs. Owners prefer eggs in one place to collect them for eating or incubating so they do not need to hunt for them on a continual basis each day. Nest boxes may be individual for one chicken or contain enough room for several chickens to lay eggs at once. They do not need dividers to separate each hen unless the hens do not get along very well. Chicken coop nests are inexpensive to make with random items when repurposing the items.

Things You'll Need

  • One-by-two lumber
  • Galvanized nails
  • Hammer
  • 10-inch to 12-inch PVC pipe
  • Rotary saw
  • Hay
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      Nail one-by-two lumber on an inside wall in the chicken coop about two feet off the ground. Use galvanized nails for a long lasting project and use a hammer to nail the lumber to the wall studs. Place the nails in the center of the lumber and space about every foot across the wall.

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      Cut 10-inch to 12-inch PVC pipe in half lengthwise with a rotary saw. Start at one end and work to the other end on one side. There is no need to measure or mark the PVC pipe but just cut down the side approximately straight. Cut the other side of the PVC pipe with a rotary saw to form two half round pieces of pipe.

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      Attach the pipe to the one-by-two lumber with a hammer and galvanized nails. Nail the PVC at the upper back edge of each half-round piece about one inch from the top. Nail the pipe with one nail about every one foot.

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      Continue this process to attach lumber and pipes on all walls of the chicken coop. Add hay to the pipes to give the eggs a soft area so they do not break against each other.