Things You'll Need
- Incubator
- Fertile goose eggs
Clean incubator thoroughly.
Place the incubator in an area that receives little variation in temperature.
Add water to the incubator. Check manufacturer's directions for the appropriate amount.
Set the incubator to 99.5 degrees F (37.5 degrees Celsius). Keep the humidity between 50 to 55 percent.
Ensure that the eggs are clean. If they are dirty, wash them in a bit of warm water. Also make sure that they are at room temperature.
Place the eggs in the incubator. Again, check your incubator's manufacturer directions to determine its capacity.
Turn the eggs at least three times every day, from end to end. Do not rotate eggs from the middle, as this could cause damage to the embryo. It is best to turn them in the morning and in the evening, as well as a few times throughout the day. Do this for the first 24 days.
Increase the relative humidity to 75 percent on the 27th day. This will moisten the membrane, making it easier for the geese to hatch.