How to Collect Goose Eggs

Geese usually lay their eggs in August and September, but some breeds lay eggs year round. They lay 12 to 15 eggs at a time, usually in nest boxes, if you provide them. Collecting goose eggs can be tricky. If you attempt to take the eggs in front of the parents, they will make noise and attempt to attack you. You need to try to lead the geese away from the nests before you get their eggs.

Things You'll Need

  • Goose egg crates
  • Formalin
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    • 1

      Go outside at 9 a.m. and find freshly laid goose eggs in their nest. Do not let the geese see you take their eggs, or they will try to fight you. Lead the geese into the water or into another location and then take the eggs. Choose eggs that have no cracks for incubation and clean them off with a steel wool pad and a wet cloth.

    • 2

      Go out to collect more goose eggs at noon, 3 p.m. and 6 p.m.

    • 3

      Lay the eggs in specially made plastic goose egg containers, which you can order online.

    • 4

      Fumigate the eggs with formalin, which is a commercial product that you can order online. Place the eggs in a tightly sealed room and release the formalin gas.

    • 5

      Store the goose eggs in the containers for incubation in a room that is kept at 15 degrees Celsius. A refrigerator is ideal. Turn the eggs once a day.