Things You'll Need
- Forced air incubator
- Shallow pan of water
- Sponge
- Temperature gauge
- Humidity gauge
Place a shallow pan of fresh water into the incubator that has at least half the surface area of the incubator. Keep at least one inch of fresh water in the pan at all times, refilling it several times a day if necessary.
Wet a large sponge thoroughly and place it in the incubator so that it is not touching the surface of the eggs or the heat source. Wet the sponge several times a day if necessary. Adding a sponge may give the added humidity necessary for the last three days of incubation.
Check the thermostat and humidity gauge several times a day to verify that you are maintaining them at proper levels. Temperature should not vary more than one-half of a degree above or below 100-degrees Fahrenheit to allow for proper incubation to produce live healthy chicks. Check your gauges and water levels, each time you turn the eggs, which should be four to six times a day.
Increase ventilation in the incubator by opening vents. Proper air flow is necessary for fresh oxygen exchange in the eggs and maintaining humidity.
Add an additional wet sponge or shallow pan of water if your humidity levels are lower than desired.