How to Breed Sheep

Breed your sheep to match market demands for their meat, wool and other sheep related products. Select sheep that are good at taking care of lambs and other sheep. Also chose sheep with body strength characteristics that allow them to survive sickness and the elements.


    • 1

      Come up with a plan on how you'd like to breed your sheep. Do a market study and find out what people like in terms of sheep products. Determine what kinds of products have a long way to go to meet expectations, and find common traits among successful sheep related products.

    • 2

      Create an ideal trait list based on the nature of the sheep product market and on common trends of successful sheep products.

    • 3

      Find female sheep that gain reproductive capability at an early age. Choose one that's very fertile, milks real well, takes care of her lambs well, gives birth to healthy lambs, gives birth easily and requires less maintenance.

    • 4

      Choose male sheep based on feeding to weight gaining efficiency. You also want to choose one that's strong and has plenty of muscle.

    • 5

      Breed the female sheep chosen from Step 3 with the male from Step 4, and wait for the lambs to be born. Once they're born, select your next generation of sheep to breed, using the same criteria as in the two previous steps.