How to Breed Fainting Goats

Fainting goats have a specific genetic disorder that causes the body of the goat to freeze up anytime the goat is startled. Fainting goats have slightly different physical characteristics to compensate for their disorder, such as a more muscular body that can withstand the fainting episodes. It isn't that different to breed fainting goats than other breeds, though they do need some special care.


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      Breed fainting goats either for their meat, as the species is a meat goat, or to increase your herd. Begin with a small herd, as the fainting goat is a very social breed.

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      Provide a solid fence or other surface for the goats to lean against to help control their fainting tendencies.

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      Allow the goats to breed naturally by leaving the herd together all year round. Watch the female goat for its heat cycle, which occurs every three weeks. Try not to startle the goats during the short heat cycle, lasting anywhere from 1 to 3 days.

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      Wait the gestation period of around 150 days. Allow the mother fainting goat to parent her kid, as most fainting goats mothers are attentive and require no help. Expect your fainting goat to have twins but be prepared for possible triplets or quadruplets.

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      Supply each goat with slightly more feed than a comparable goat of another breed. Supply about 1 cup of goat feed daily. Keep loud sounds away from the goats to prevent fainting and any injuries from the resulting falls. Pay special attention to fainting kids who have not yet learned to stay upright during a fainting spell.