How to Choose a Breeding Pair of Ostriches

Ostrich breeding has become a business in the United States. Purchasing breeding ostriches is the most costly way to start your business, but they start breeding almost immediately. Eggs and chicks may be less expensive, but you will need to wait three years before you see a return on your investment. If you choose the right pair of ostriches, you will be richly rewarded. Female ostriches can produce upwards of 40 eggs a year.


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      Research ostrich prices in your state. The female ostrich begins breeding at two to three years of age. The reproducing male will be several months older. The cheapest birds may not be the ones you want to breed, but knowing the market will help you make a decision.

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      Ask prospective sellers about the fertility of the birds. Ask to see records showing how many fertile eggs the female has produced and how many live chicks were hatched from those eggs.

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      Inquire about the manageability of the birds. As the market for breeding ostriches evolves, buyers can afford to be more picky about the quality of their birds. The less aggressive the ostrich, the less hassle it will give you and the fewer expenses you will have. A bird that moves around less will also have better feed efficiency, which is important for your bottom line.

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      Look for a female with a wide body. A female with a wider body can sit on more eggs and thus protect her offspring. Breeders have noticed that these females lay more eggs.

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      Check hide and feather quality. Though recently birds have been bred for their nutritious meat, the hide and feathers of the bird also contribute to its overall value. Ostrich leather is both supple and strong and the feathers are valued for their beauty.