Cattle Artificial Insemination Techniques

Artificial insemination is commonly used in dairy and beef cattle to introduce superior genetics into the herd and to eliminate the need to keep a bull on the farm. While the artificial insemination technique seems simple, it takes experience and knowledge of a cow's reproductive system to successfully breed cows in this manner. The recto-vaginal technique is most commonly used as it has the greatest conception rate.
  1. Assemble Equipment

    • Assemble the equipment you will need to inseminate the cow. This includes the semen (usually frozen in thin tubes in a refrigerated tank), paper towels, an obstetrical sleeve, lubricating material and the inseminating rod. Keep the equipment in a clean area to prevent introducing germs, dirt or manure into the cow's reproductive tract.


    • The cow to be inseminated must be in estrus (heat) for the insemination to be successful. Cows in estrus will be restless, will mount (jump on) other cows, and will allow other cows to mount her.

    Restrain Cow

    • The cow should be restrained in a place that is familiar to her to keep her calm. Usually this will be in her normal stall, using a headlock, head gate or halter to keep her still.

    Thawing Semen

    • The semen is held in a pipette (straw) at an extremely low temperature. Select a straw, remove it from the tank and thaw prior to placing into the inseminating rod. Typically, the semen is thawed using a warm water bath at 90 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit for 40 to 60 seconds. This must be done before preparing the cow for insemination.

    Prepping the Cow

    • Place the obstetrical sleeve on your non-dominant arm and apply some lubricating material to the sleeve. Gently introduce your arm into the rectum, cleaning manure from the rectum as you advance the arm. Locate the cervix and stabilize it. Use paper towels to thoroughly wipe the vulva area clean of dirt and manure.


    • Place a towel into the lower part of the vulva to spread the lips out, and gently introduce the insemination rod at a 30 to 40 degree angle without touching the vulva. Then pass the rod through the vagina and cervical opening and into the uterus. Next, slowly deposit the semen into the uterus. Remove the rod after the semen has been delivered.