What are some of a toucans inherited traits?

Some inherited traits of toucans include:

- Large, colorful bills: Toucans are known for their large, colorful bills, which can make up to one-third of their total body length. These bills are used for a variety of purposes, including foraging for food, preening feathers, and defending against predators.

- Frugivorous diet: Toucans are primarily frugivores, meaning that they eat mostly fruits and berries. Their large bills are well-suited for eating these types of foods, and their digestive systems are adapted to process them efficiently.

- Social behavior: Toucans are social birds that live in groups called "flocks." These flocks can range in size from a few individuals to several dozen. Toucans communicate with each other through a variety of vocalizations and body language.

- Nesting behavior: Toucans build their nests in holes in trees. These nests are typically lined with soft materials such as leaves and feathers. Toucans lay multiple eggs per clutch, and both parents help to incubate the eggs and care for the chicks.

- Parental care: Toucans are devoted parents that provide extensive care for their young. Both parents feed and protect the chicks until they are able to fledge and leave the nest.