Step 1: Preparation
1. Ensure that the hen is in good health and showing maternal instincts.
2. Set up a temporary enclosure or brooder near the hen's original coop. Place the chicks in this enclosure so they can get used to being near their mother.
Step 2: Gradual Introduction
1. Begin by introducing the hen to the chicks for short periods under supervision.
2. Allow the hen to observe the chicks from a distance for the first few days. This helps her get accustomed to their presence and prevents any sudden movements from scaring her.
Step 3: Close Supervision
1. After the hen has become comfortable observing the chicks, allow her to enter the enclosure under close supervision. Monitor her behavior and ensure that she doesn't display aggressive behavior towards the chicks.
2. Repeat these supervised visits for several days, gradually increasing the amount of time the hen spends with the chicks.
Step 4: Final Integration
1. Once the hen has shown positive maternal behavior and the chicks are comfortable around her, you can consider integrating them permanently.
2. Choose a suitable time for the final integration. This could be in the evening when the other hens are settling down or during the day when there's minimal activity in the coop.
3. Introduce the hen to the other hens in the coop. Keep a watchful eye for signs of aggression from the other hens towards the chicks.
Remember, each hen and chick's situation is unique, so it's essential to observe their behavior and make adjustments as needed to ensure a successful integration.