What animals do not hatch from egg?


All mammals give birth live young.

Examples of mammals includes:

- Humans

- Cats

- Dogs

- Cows

- Horses

- Elephants


Some reptiles give birth to live young, while others lay eggs.

Examples of reptiles that give birth to live young include:

- Some species of snakes

- Some species of lizards

Examples of reptiles that lay eggs include:

- Turtles

- Crocodiles

- Alligators


Amphibians lay their eggs in water, and the eggs hatch into tadpoles.

Examples of amphibians include:

- Frogs

- Toads

- Salamanders

- Newts


Most fish lay eggs in water, and the eggs hatch into fry.

Examples of fish that lay eggs include:

- Salmon

- Trout

- Bass

- Bluegill

- Catfish


All birds lay eggs.

Examples of birds include:

- Eagles

- Hawks

- Owls

- Falcons

- Chickens

- Ducks

- Geese

- Turkeys