How do I get my setting hen to leave non fertile eggs it is way beyond hatching date?

- Candle the eggs. This means shining a light through the eggs to see if they are fertile or not. A fertile egg will have a visible embryo, while a non-fertile egg will not.

- Collect infertile eggs. If an egg does not hatch within 21 days of incubation, it is likely infertile. You can collect and discard these eggs, which will help to keep the nest clean.

- Reduce the nest size. Reduce the number of eggs in the nest to the number she can cover. Remove some of the eggs and put them somewhere safe, or better still give them to another hen who is still brooding.

- Offer her a dust bath. Dust baths are a natural way for chickens to clean their feathers and maintain their health. Offering a dust bath to a setting hen can help to reduce her stress levels and make her more likely to leave the nest.

- Move her to a different environment. Sometimes, a setting hen may simply be too comfortable in her nest and reluctant to leave. Try moving her to a different environment, such as a different coop or enclosure. This may help her to break her broodiness and start to lay again.

- Wait it out. Sometimes, all you can do is wait it out. Setting hens will usually break their broodiness on their own after a few weeks, though in some cases it can take longer.