Why does geospiza fortis eat seed?

Geospiza fortis, commonly known as the medium ground finch, does not primarily consume seeds. Instead, its diet primarily consists of insects, fruits, and nectar.

Here's a brief explanation of the diet of Geospiza fortis:

1. Insects: Insects form a significant portion of the medium ground finch's diet. They feed on various insects, including grasshoppers, beetles, flies, and caterpillars. By preying on insects, these birds fulfill their protein requirements.

2. Fruits: Geospiza fortis also consumes fruits as part of its diet. They have been observed eating fruits from cacti and other plants found in their habitat. Fruits provide them with essential vitamins, minerals, and energy.

3. Nectar: Additionally, medium ground finches are known to feed on nectar from flowers. They use their long, pointed beaks to reach into the flowers and extract the nectar, which is a source of energy and nutrients.

While Geospiza fortis does not primarily eat seeds, it may occasionally consume plant material, including seeds, as part of its diet. However, seeds are not the main component of their diet. Their diet is primarily composed of insects, fruits, and nectar.