Why is the wood Buffalo endangered?

Threats to Wood Bison:

Hunting: Wood bison were hunted almost to extinction in the 19th century for their meat and fur. Although they have been protected since the early 20th century, illegal hunting still poses a threat to their populations.

Habitat Loss: The loss and fragmentation of their habitat due to human activities, such as logging, mining, and agriculture, have significantly reduced their range. This has led to isolation of bison populations, increased vulnerability to disease, and reduced genetic diversity.

Disease: Wood bison are susceptible to various diseases, including brucellosis and tuberculosis, which can be transmitted from domestic cattle. Contact with domestic cattle can also result in hybridization and genetic contamination.

Climate Change: The changing climate is affecting the wood bison's habitat, altering vegetation, and making winters more severe, which can lead to increased mortality and reduced reproduction.

Limited Genetic Diversity: The small size and isolation of wood bison herds have led to limited genetic diversity, which makes them more vulnerable to disease and environmental changes.

Human-Wildlife Conflict: As wood bison populations expand and their range overlaps with human activities, conflicts can arise, leading to property damage and risk to human safety. This can result in retaliatory killings of bison.

Due to these factors, the wood bison is classified as a threatened species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and faces challenges in maintaining stable and viable populations.