Age: White cloud fish should be at least 6-8 months old before attempting to breed them. This ensures that they are sexually mature and have developed properly.
Water conditions: The water quality in the breeding tank should be ideal for white cloud fish, with parameters such as temperature, pH, and hardness being within the recommended ranges.
Condition of the fish: The fish should be healthy and in good condition.
Presence of a male and female fish: In order for breeding to occur, both a male and a female white cloud fish must be present in the breeding tank.
Courtship behavior: The male white cloud fish will typically display courtship behavior towards the female, such as swimming around her and displaying his fins.
It's important to note that breeding white cloud fish can be a complex process and requires careful attention to detail. If you are interested in breeding white cloud fish, it's recommended to research and understand the specific requirements and guidelines for successful breeding.