How to Raise Bresse Chicken

You can only get Bresse chickens in France. Only 5 percent of these types chicken are exported --- but none are exported to the United States and Canada. The birds are highly valued for their gamey depth of flavor, tender flesh and delicious, clean-flowing fat. The Bresse chicken is a breed of bird originating from the Bresse area of the Rhône-Alpes region of France. The bird was imported to England in 1895. To raise and farm Bresse chickens, you need to live in a country where the birds are imported to.

Things You'll Need

  • Bresse chickens
  • Grassy land
  • Wood posts
  • Chicken wire
  • Chicken coup
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      Locate a large grassy area for your chickens to roam freely.

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      Create a fence using chicken wire, placing it around the perimeter of the grassy area. Use wood posts as support for your fence. Cover the top of the fence with more of the chicken wire. This helps keep wild birds and foxes out.

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      Build or purchase a chicken coup. You can find them at a farming supply store or online. The cost of a chicken coup averages between $400 and $1,000.

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      Add wood shavings inside of the coup. This will serve as a litter box.

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      Place three hens and three roosters inside the closed fence.

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      Feed the chickens corn, cereal flour and small insects daily. Also provide them with an ample supply of water.

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      Allow the chickens to roam around and live their lives.