How to Build a Fence So Horses Can Drink From a Pond But Not Go Across the Pond

The best way to give horses access to drink from a pond while not being able to cross it is by installing a floating fence several feet into the pond. The fence needs to be far enough into the pond so that the horses can gain access to water even in a drought. It will be a wet job, so be prepared if it is cold weather. Fence posts can be made from metal or PVC pipe. The fence will need to stretch for the entire area that the horses have access to the pond. Depending on the area, it might be a large job.

Things You'll Need

  • Sledge hammer
  • PVC or metal posts
  • Air-tight tubing or barrels
  • Wire mesh
  • Fence wire
  • Wire cutters
  • Assistant
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    • 1

      Mark the fence posts so that you will know when they have been sunk deep enough into the ground, about 1/3 of the post should be sunk.

    • 2

      Lay the posts out on the bank in even intervals, about 4 or 5 feet apart. This will help you keep the post spacing even as you go since you can't mark the ground.

    • 3

      Sink the fence posts into the ground by hitting them with a sledge hammer. One person will need to hold the post upright while another hits the post until it can stand on its own.

    • 4

      Attach the wire mesh to the first posts with fence wire. Make sure that the fence wire is not too tight around the post; the fence will need to be able to move up and down.

    • 5

      Secure your air-tight floater to the wire mesh so that some of the fence will remain underwater and the rest will be above water.

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      Repeat the process at the next post and continue until you reach the other side of the bank.