How to Easily Make Round Pens

Outdoor pens allow animals the freedom to run around while still protecting them from potential dangers. A round pen should be built on level ground with good drainage. The size and height of the pen will depend on the size and quantity of the animals that will be kept inside it. Round pens can be used for small animals like chickens or large animals like horses.

Things You'll Need

  • Spray paint
  • Post hole digger
  • Fence posts
  • Shovel
  • Heavy gauge wire mesh
  • Wood staples
  • Hammer
  • Wire cutters
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    • 1

      Measure and mark the perimeter of the pen with spray paint. Mark where post holes should be dug, spacing them evenly about every four feet.

    • 2

      Dig post holes with the post hole digger. Each hole should be at least 42 inches deep. Make the holes as even as possible and be careful to keep them straight.

    • 3

      Place posts in the post holes one at a time and pack dirt tightly around each post to hold it securely in place. Make the post as straight as possible to prevent your pen walls from slanting in or out.

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      Attach wire mesh to the outside of each post by hammering the wood staples all the way into the post. Do not skimp on the staples, as the mesh is the support system of your pen. It is better to use too many than not enough. Keep the wire mesh taunt between the posts.

    • 5

      Cut the wire mesh with your wire cutters just past the point where you complete the circle. Try to cut the wire mesh it in a way that does not leave wire barbs exposed.