How much meat do you get from an 1800 pound buffalo?

It's impossible to give an exact figure for how much meat you'd get from an 1800 pound buffalo. Here's why:

* Variable Carcass Weight: The amount of meat (carcass weight) you get from a buffalo depends on a lot of factors, including:

* Age: Younger animals have a higher proportion of edible meat.

* Sex: Bulls tend to be larger and have more meat than cows.

* Fat Content: A buffalo with more fat will have a higher carcass weight, but some of that fat is trimmed off.

* Butchering Practices: How the animal is processed (skinning, boning) can affect the final weight.

* Meat Yield: Even after you determine the carcass weight, there are further losses during processing. The actual amount of edible meat you get from the carcass (often called the "dressing percentage") can vary from 50-65%.

To give you a rough estimate:

* Let's assume a 55% dressing percentage, which means you'd get about 990 pounds of meat from a 1800 pound buffalo (1800 x .55 = 990).

Important Note: These are just estimates. The actual amount of meat you get from a buffalo will vary significantly based on the factors mentioned above.