Does deer scat make good garden fertilizer?

Deer scat, while technically containing nutrients, is not a good source of fertilizer for your garden. Here's why:

* Parasites and Diseases: Deer scat can harbor parasites and diseases that can be harmful to your plants and potentially even humans.

* Unpredictable Nutrient Content: The nutrient content of deer scat varies greatly depending on the deer's diet. It's difficult to know what nutrients are present and in what quantities.

* Unpleasant Odor: Deer scat has a strong, unpleasant odor that may linger in your garden.

* Potential for Weeds: Deer scat can contain seeds from various plants, including weeds, which could end up sprouting in your garden.

Better Alternatives for Garden Fertilizer:

* Compost: Made from decomposing organic materials, compost is a rich source of nutrients and improves soil structure.

* Manure: Animal manure, such as cow or horse manure, provides essential nutrients and improves soil health.

* Commercially Available Fertilizers: These fertilizers offer a precise balance of nutrients tailored to your specific plant needs.


While deer scat might contain some nutrients, it's best to avoid using it as fertilizer due to the potential risks. Choose safer and more effective options for your garden's health.