How to Use a Poultry Fence

Providing a means for free-range poultry to graze on insects and fresh greens is important to raising healthy birds. Poultry fencing allows the birds to roam and graze while barring their access to a garden or child's play area. A poultry fence can be anything from plastic netting held by rods hammered into the ground, to chicken wire stapled on treated fence posts, to electric fencing for protection from predators. A portable poultry fence is another great option. This lightweight fence, usually with wheels for ease of moving and a door for access, allows you to change the feeding ground area as needed.

Things You'll Need

  • Poultry fence
  • Water bucket
  • Nesting boxes
  • Roost
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    • 1

      Place the movable fence where you want it and open the door.

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      Get the birds into the habit of following you by shaking a container of feed and sprinkling it on the ground inside the portable fence. Use the same trick

      to return them to the main coop.

    • 3

      Allow the fowl temporary access to a portable poultry fence. The location should be changed daily to leave the manure soiled area and give access to fresh greens.

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      Ensure that the poultry have water, additional feed and shade at all times and that laying hens have nesting boxes for laying eggs.

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      Have roosts available, but do not use a portable fence as a permanent coop arrangement. Return the birds to the main coop nightly.