Ensure the blanket is clean and dry. Never fold a dirty or wet blanket; it may develop mold. Wash and dry the blanket first.
Fold the clean and dry horse blanket in half lengthwise.
Tuck in the straps and fold the blanket in half lengthwise again.
Fold the horse blanket in half from bottom to top.
Place the horse blanket onto a hanging bar with the folded edge in front and the open edges behind the bar.
How to Fold a Horse Blanket
When you choose the best horse blanket to keep your favorite animal warm and dry, make sure you take care of it properly. As you remove the blanket from your horse, fold it carefully to ensure it does not create dangerous hazards as it hangs in the stall. Since the blanket has straps, you must tuck them in as you fold the blanket for optimal safety.