Types of Fencing Wire

There are as many choices for fencing as there are animals to fence. In today's world, where every Home Depot has a fencing section, it is easy to become confused about what you need versus what you want, and even more easy to become sidetracked by pricing. This article will give you some basics on what type of wire fencing is available and what you might use that type of fence for.
  1. Barbed Wire

    • Tried and true, a roll of barbed wire is your cheapest choice when it comes to fencing in large acreages for livestock of almost any kind. This type of wire consists of one long twist of melded metal wire, interspersed at regular intervals with sharp barbs. The wire can withstand a great deal of pressure, and the barbs are there to discourage any more pressure than the wire can sustain. This is not a good option for anything other than cattle, as it is dangerous--even to people.

    Smooth Wire

    • This is essentially barbed wire without the barbs, a twisted metal wire that can withstand up to 1,000 or more pounds of pressure. It comes on a roll and is set up exactly the same as barbed wire, it is just more user-friendly and far less damaging if an animal gets wrapped up in it. It is still dangerous, however, and not the best choice for horses.

    Mesh Fence

    • The next type of wire fence is mesh fence, or no-climb fence. It is more expensive but worth it. It is made up of small squares of wire that are connected to each other. It can range anywhere from three to six feet tall and comes on rolls, usually up to 300 feet. This is an excellent choice for horses or other quality livestock.

    Electric Fence

    • Another option with wire fencing is the electric fence. This can be a standard smooth electric wire on a roll that is added as a preventative to a standard fence, or it can be the thick high-tensile wire that is used as a stand-alone electric fence. Either way, it is imperative the fence be working properly, or it is a death trap for any animal that gets caught in it. Electric wire cuts like a razor if an animal gets hung.

    Chain Link

    • Chain link fencing is also a type of wire fence, but it is not usually cost-effective for livestock or large acreages. It is an excellent choice for stallion pens because in most cases you can get it up to eight feet tall. Chain link is not a good choice for animals with small hooves, as they can easily get caught in the holes and break a leg.