How to Build Nesting Boxes for Free-Range Hens

The thing to remember about building hen nest boxes is that hens are not picky. They don't need anything fancy to sit in to lay eggs. All they need is a box with walls that lets them feel secure and a little bit of cushioning so they can get cozy while they lay eggs. A box with an egg catcher is good for you because it makes collecting eggs a bit easier. It lets you know when they are available so you don't have to search around as much.

Things You'll Need

  • 5 1/2-inch wide funnel Old wooden dresser Pencil Tape measure Drill Wood saw Hot glue gun Half gallon bucket Coarse sandpaper 2-by-2 inch piece of lumber 5-inch nails Hammer Straw or bedding Compass
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    • 1

      Pull the drawers out of an old dresser, or one that you don't value highly. You will use each drawer separately to create an individual nesting box. Don't use drawers that are larger than 18 by 18 inches, as they will be too big for the hens.

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      Flip your first drawer upside down and draw two diagonal lines from corner to corner. The center of the drawer is approximately where the lines cross. Use your compass to draw a 3-inch circle beginning at this center point. Use a drill to start the hole. Then finish cutting it out with your wood saw. Center your funnel beneath the hole and glue it to the underside of the drawer with your hot glue gun. Wait 5 minutes for the glue to dry and then check to make sure it is secure.

    • 3

      Measure the height of your bucket and then add 6 inches to that number. Use this number to determine how tall to make your nesting box's legs; this will allow room to slide the bucket underneath and also give clearance for your funnel. Mark your 2-by-2 inch piece of lumber at four intervals and cut four legs with your wood saw. Sand the ends as needed so that they meet the nesting box and the ground at 90-degree angles to prevent tilt.

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      Place one leg at each corner of the box and nail them all on by putting the nails on the inside of the box and hammering through to the underside. That way there won't be any exposed points for your hens to step on.

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      Stand the box up on its legs and place the bucket underneath it. Then fill your new nesting box with straw or other bedding, being careful not to cover the hole for the funnel.