How to Throw a Lasso

When the West was wild, cowboys didn't just live by the gun, they also lived by the lariat. Most people know a lariat as a lasso, but the word lasso actually refers to the act of throwing the looped end of a lariat. It can take years of practice to learn to rope a cow; but anyone can throw a flat-loop in a matter of minutes. Read on to learn how.

Things You'll Need

  • Lariat
  • A target
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    • 1

      Slip your rope through the small loop at the end of the lariat called the honda. Form a noose approximately one to two feet in diameter.

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      Hold the loop lightly in your right hand a foot or so from the honda. Coil the rest of the lariat in your left hand leaving 5 to 6 feet of kink-free rope between the noose and the coil.

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      Position yourself in front of a target. A bale of hay with a long stick wedged in it makes a good target, as it will not tip over easily. You can also place two sturdy pieces of lumber in the front of the bale to simulate horns.

    • 4

      Relax your wrist and slowly begin to swing the rope over your head, right to left. Experts ropers suggest thinking of your wrist as an axle and the lariat's loop as a wheel revolving horizontally over and around your head.

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      Cast the loop by swinging your arm quickly forward. As you move your arm forward bring your wrist down to shoulder level and extend your arm out. Be careful not to interfere with the motion of the lariat. Let your palm open and swing the loop toward the target.

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      Strive to send the noose on a straight, level course to your target by maintaining a smooth steady rhythm as you cast. Keep your arm and wrist straight and extended toward the target. The force you use to thrust the loop forward will also play a role in how far your lariat goes.

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      Pull the length of lariat coiled in you left hand to tighten the loop around your target.