How to Choose a Type of Chicken Coop

The type of coop you pick for your chickens depends on whether you're raising chickens for meat, eggs, or both. It also depends on how large a flock you're planning to keep.

Things You'll Need

  • Chicken Coops
  • Chicken Feed
  • Chicken Feeders
  • Chicken Waterers
  • Chicken Wire
  • Baby Chicks
  • Chicken Dusting Powder
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    • 1

      Build a barn or shed for a permanent structure that will house larger flocks and laying hens. It needs to be large enough for you to walk into and gather eggs.

    • 2

      Include an adjacent, outdoor, fenced-in run for hens that reside in a permanent structure.

    • 3

      Provide nests for laying hens. (See Related eHow "How to Care for Chickens.")

    • 4

      Build a small chicken tractor or a large, fenced-in, portable cage to be moved to different areas of your yard and garden for a smaller flock.

    • 5

      Use a chicken tractor for chickens you're raising for meat.

    • 6

      Clean the barn, run, tractor, or cage of waste every day.