A List of Things that can be recycled and cannot recycled?

Recyclable materials:


- Newspaper

- Cardboard

- Junk mail

- Office paper

- Magazines

- Envelopes**


- Bottles

- Jars**


- Cans

- Foil

- Pots and pans

- Aluminum**


- Bottles

- Jars

- Tubs

- Cups

- Toys**


- Computers

- Televisions

- Cell phones

- Tablets**


- Refrigerators

- Stoves

- Dishwashers

- Washing machines**


-AA, AAA, C, D, 9-volt**


- Clothing

- Shoes

- Sheets

- Towels**

Non-recyclable materials:

**Food waste

- Fruits and vegetables

- Meat

- Dairy products

- Bread**

**Plastic bags

- Grocery bags

- Ziploc bags**


- Food containers

- Packing peanuts**


- Disposable diapers**


- Motor oil

- Antifreeze**


- Oil-based paint

- Latex paint**


- Pesticides

- Herbicides

- Fertilizers**


- CRT televisions

- Computer monitors

- Fluorescent light bulbs**


- Air conditioners

- Dehumidifiers

- Water heaters**


- Lithium-ion batteries

- Button batteries**


- Carpets

- Rugs

- Mattresses**