How much is a rhino horn worth?

Rhino horns have no scientifically proven medical benefits and are primarily sought after for ornamental or medicinal purposes in illegal wildlife trade. The price of a rhino horn on the black market can vary depending on several factors, including the species of rhino, the size and weight of the horn, and the market demand at the time.

Generally, rhino horns can command high prices on the illegal market. In some cases, the price of a single rhino horn can be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars or even millions, depending on these factors.

Rhino horns, like elephant ivory, are sought after in some Asian countries, particularly Vietnam and China, where there is a demand for ornamental carvings and as ingredients in traditional medicines. It's important to note that trading in rhino horns and hunting rhinos for their horns is strictly prohibited and regulated under international conventions due to the critical threat it poses to these endangered species.