How do you bring woodpeckers to your backyard during winter?

Here's how you can attract woodpeckers to your backyard during the winter:

1. Offer Suet Or Woodpecker Feeders: Suet is a popular offering for woodpeckers, especially in winter. You can either make your own suet cakes or buy them commercially. Attach the suet feeders to tree trunks or branches at an appropriate height for the birds to comfortably access.

Woodpecker feeders have a sticky substance that allows them to cling to the feeder while eating. You can spread peanut butter, safflower seeds, suet, or a mixture of these on the feeder.

2. Other Foods They Enjoy: Woodpeckers also love black oil sunflower seeds, peanuts (especially unsalted), and corn. You can offer these foods in hanging bird feeders or place them on a platform feeder. Some woodpeckers may even be attracted to fruits like apples or oranges. Try offering them slices or pieces of these fruits to see if they get interested.

3. Provide Shelter: Woodpeckers seek out natural cavities or holes in trees for shelter during cold weather. You can help attract them by creating artificial nesting sites. Consider putting up birdhouses with suitable entrance holes (1.25-1.5 inches in diameter) or even providing old, decayed logs in your backyard.

4. Set Up Water Sources: Birds, including woodpeckers, seek out water for drinking and bathing. A birdbath filled with clean, unfrozen water can be a great enticement. To prevent the water from freezing, consider using a heated birdbath or placing a submersible heater in the water.

5. Limit Chemical Use: If you use pesticides or other chemicals in your garden, try reducing or eliminating their usage. Woodpeckers and other birds may be deterred by such chemicals.

6. Dead Trees Or Snags: Woodpeckers love to forage on dead or dying trees (also called "snags") for insects. If you have dead trees on your property, leave them intact whenever possible. They can provide a valuable source of food and nesting sites for many birds, including woodpeckers.

7. Minimize Disturbances: Woodpeckers, like other wild birds, can be easily scared off if they feel threatened or disturbed. Try to keep your backyard as quiet and peaceful as possible during the winter when food sources are scarce and they may be more vulnerable.

8. Patience Is Key: Attracting woodpeckers may take time, so be patient. It can sometimes take a few days or even weeks for them to discover and start frequenting your feeding stations.

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of attracting woodpeckers to your backyard during the challenging winter months, providing them with a valuable source of food and shelter.