What would happen if sheep where no longer a us resource?

1. Increase in the price of wool and lamb. Sheep are the primary source of wool and lamb, so if they were no longer a U.S. resource, the price of these products would likely increase. This would have a negative impact on consumers, who would have to pay more for these items.

2. Loss of jobs in the sheep industry. The sheep industry employs over 1 million people in the United States, so if sheep were no longer a resource, these jobs would be lost. This would have a negative impact on the economy and on the livelihoods of these workers.

3. Negative impact on the environment. Sheep help to maintain healthy grasslands and prevent erosion. They also provide fertilizer for crops. If sheep were no longer a resource, these environmental benefits would be lost.

4. Increased risk of wildfires. Sheep help to reduce the risk of wildfires by grazing on flammable vegetation. If sheep were no longer a resource, the risk of wildfires would increase, which could have a devastating impact on communities and ecosystems.

5. Loss of a cultural heritage. Sheep have been a part of American culture for centuries, and their loss would have a negative impact on the country's heritage.