What animals that includes in animal raising?

Animal raising, also known as livestock farming, encompasses a wide variety of animals. Here's a breakdown:

Common Livestock:

* Mammals:

* Cattle: Beef cattle, dairy cattle

* Swine: Pigs, boars, sows

* Sheep: Lambs, ewes, rams

* Goats: Meat goats, dairy goats

* Horses: Draft horses, riding horses

* Camels: Dromedary camels, Bactrian camels

* Buffalo: Water buffalo

* Yaks: Domesticated yak

* Rabbits: For meat and fur

* Llamas: For fiber and pack animals

* Alpacas: For fiber

* Birds:

* Chickens: Layers (for eggs), broilers (for meat)

* Turkeys: Broiler turkeys, heritage turkeys

* Ducks: Meat ducks, egg ducks

* Geese: Meat geese, egg geese

* Guinea fowl: For meat and pest control

* Fish:

* Salmon: Farmed salmon

* Trout: Rainbow trout, brook trout

* Carp: Common carp

* Tilapia: Nile tilapia

Other Animals Raised for Specific Purposes:

* Insects: Crickets, mealworms (for food and feed)

* Bees: For honey and pollination

* Silkworms: For silk production

* Snails: For escargot (a culinary delicacy)

Factors Influencing Animal Raising:

* Geography: Climate, available land, and resources

* Market Demand: Consumer preferences for specific types of meat, eggs, dairy, etc.

* Regulations: Animal welfare standards, environmental regulations, and food safety laws

* Technology: Modern farming techniques and advancements in animal breeding

It's important to note that animal raising practices vary widely based on location, cultural traditions, and ethical considerations. Ethical and sustainable farming practices are becoming increasingly important in animal raising.