What is the salary or pay scale of veterians?

It seems you're asking about the pay scale for veterans. However, there's no single "veteran pay scale." The way veterans are paid depends on the specific situation:

1. Military Pay: While serving, military personnel are paid based on rank, years of service, and various other factors. You can find details about military pay scales on the official Department of Defense website: https://www.defense.gov/

2. Veterans Benefits: After service, veterans can receive various benefits, not a salary, based on their service record. These benefits include:

* Disability Compensation: Paid based on the severity of service-related disabilities.

* VA Home Loans: Loans with favorable interest rates and down payment requirements.

* Education Benefits: Educational assistance programs like the GI Bill.

* Medical Care: Access to healthcare through the VA.

* Unemployment Benefits: Specific unemployment benefits for veterans.

3. Civilian Employment: Once a veteran returns to civilian life, they are eligible for employment like any other citizen. Their pay will be determined by their qualifications and the job they secure.

To find the right information, you need to be more specific about:

* What type of pay or benefits are you interested in? (Military pay, disability compensation, education benefits, etc.)

* What branch of service did the veteran serve in?

* What is their rank or years of service?

* What is their current situation? (Seeking employment, receiving disability benefits, etc.)

Please provide more details so I can give you a more accurate and helpful answer!