Which animals in Ohio migrate?

Many animals in Ohio migrate, both within the state and to other locations. Here's a breakdown of some common migratory animals:


* Warblers: Many warbler species breed in Ohio's forests during the summer and fly south for the winter. Some examples include the Yellow Warbler, Black-and-white Warbler, and American Redstart.

* Swallows: Tree Swallows, Barn Swallows, and Cliff Swallows are common summer residents that head south for the winter.

* Ducks: Ducks like the Mallard, Wood Duck, and Blue-winged Teal breed in Ohio's wetlands and lakes but migrate south for the winter.

* Geese: Canada Geese and Snow Geese migrate through Ohio in large flocks, stopping at wetlands to feed and rest.

* Shorebirds: Species like the Sanderling and Semipalmated Plover migrate along the Great Lakes and the Ohio River, stopping at beaches and mudflats.

* Hawks: Red-tailed Hawks, Broad-winged Hawks, and Cooper's Hawks are some of the raptors that migrate through Ohio.

* Hummingbirds: Ruby-throated Hummingbirds are a welcome sight in Ohio during the summer, but they head south for the winter.


* Bats: Many bat species, like the little brown bat and the big brown bat, migrate south for the winter.

* Deer: White-tailed deer are not considered "true" migrants, but they do move seasonally within their ranges, often following food sources.

* Groundhogs: Groundhogs are also not true migrants, but they do come out of hibernation in the spring and go back in for the winter.

Amphibians and Reptiles:

* Snapping Turtles: Snapping turtles migrate to suitable nesting sites in the spring.

* Painted Turtles: Painted turtles often migrate to more shallow water for nesting in the spring.


* Migration patterns and distances vary depending on the species and individual animal.

* Some animals, like the deer and groundhogs, are more nomadic and follow food sources rather than undertaking long-distance migrations.

* Climate change is altering migration patterns for many species, and some are shifting their ranges northward.

You can learn more about specific migratory animals in Ohio by visiting websites like the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, the Audubon Society, and the Ohio Bird Conservation Initiative.