* Mule Deer: A common sight in Flagstaff, especially during the cooler months.
* Elk: Larger than mule deer, elk are found in higher elevations and can be seen near forest edges.
* Black Bear: Although generally shy, black bears can be found in forested areas.
* Mountain Lion: A solitary predator that prefers rugged terrain, but can be found in Flagstaff's surrounding mountains.
* Bobcat: Smaller than mountain lions, bobcats are also found in mountainous areas and sometimes in urban fringes.
* Coyote: Common throughout Flagstaff, coyotes are adaptable and thrive in various habitats.
* Fox: Primarily found in forested areas, foxes are smaller than coyotes and often active at night.
* Squirrel: Common in both urban and rural areas, squirrels are often seen scampering up trees.
* Rabbit: Various rabbit species, including black-tailed jackrabbits, are common in grasslands and open areas.
* Porcupine: Found in forested areas, porcupines are identifiable by their quills.
* Bald Eagle: This majestic bird can be observed along the Colorado River and surrounding lakes.
* Golden Eagle: Found in mountainous areas, golden eagles are also a sight to behold.
* Hawk: Several hawk species, including Red-tailed hawks and Cooper's hawks, are common in Flagstaff.
* Owl: Owls like the Great Horned Owl and the Western Screech Owl are found in forested areas.
* Wild Turkey: Often seen foraging on the ground or perched in trees.
* Woodpecker: Several woodpecker species, including the Northern Flicker and the Hairy Woodpecker, inhabit Flagstaff's forests.
* Hummingbird: These tiny birds are a delight to watch during their migration season.
Reptiles and Amphibians:
* Lizard: Several lizard species, such as the Western Fence Lizard and the Plateau Lizard, can be found in Flagstaff's rocky areas.
* Snake: Garter snakes and rattlesnakes are common in the region, but rattlesnakes are particularly dangerous.
* Frog: The Northern Leopard Frog and the Canyon Treefrog are found in wet areas like ponds and streams.
* Always be respectful of wildlife and maintain a safe distance.
* Never feed wild animals, as this can make them dependent on humans and lead to problems.
* Be aware of your surroundings and follow safety precautions, especially when hiking or camping.
* Report any aggressive animal encounters to the appropriate authorities.
This list is not exhaustive, but it provides an overview of some common wildlife species found in the Flagstaff area. Enjoy observing and learning about the fascinating creatures that call this region home!