1. Scorpions: Scorpions use their tails, specifically their venomous stingers, as their primary weapon.
2. Lizards: Some lizards like the Gila monster and the Komodo dragon use their tails to strike and deliver powerful bites.
3. Crocodiles and Alligators: These reptiles have powerful tails that they use to whip and thrash, often causing significant damage to opponents.
4. Kangaroos: While not exactly "fighting", kangaroos utilize their strong tails for balance and leverage in their "boxing" matches. They also use their tails to prop themselves up when they're on the defensive.
5. Some Snakes: Certain snake species use their tails to create a distraction or to strike, often when feeling threatened.
6. Cats: While not a primary weapon, cats sometimes use their tails to swat or lash out at opponents.
7. Horses: Horses use their tails to swat flies and other annoyances, and in some cases, they may use them to swat at other horses in playful or aggressive interactions.
It's important to note that the use of tails in fighting varies between species and often depends on the context of the encounter. Some animals may use their tails primarily for defense, while others might utilize them offensively.