* Grizzly bears: Mothers are fiercely protective, even attacking humans who get too close to their cubs.
* African wild dogs: The entire pack assists in raising pups, with mothers even sharing food and caring for each other's young.
* Kangaroos: Mothers carry their joeys in their pouch for months, providing constant protection and nourishment.
* Elephants: Mothers are incredibly devoted, caring for their calves for years and often staying with them until they have their own offspring.
* Wolves: Mothers nurse and teach their pups, and the whole pack helps to defend them.
* Emperor penguins: Mothers brave harsh conditions to find food for their chicks, leaving them in the care of fathers while they are gone.
* Ostriches: Mothers fiercely defend their chicks, even kicking attackers with their powerful legs.
* Bald eagles: Both parents share the responsibility of caring for their chicks, feeding them and protecting them from predators.
* Crocodiles: Mothers protect their hatchlings by carrying them in their mouths to the water.
* Seahorses: The male seahorse carries the eggs until they hatch, providing them with protection and oxygen.
* Spiders: Some spider mothers stay with their egg sacs until the young hatch, protecting them from predators.
Ultimately, the "most protective" mother depends on your definition of protection. Some animals provide constant physical defense, while others prioritize providing food or teaching survival skills. Each species has its own unique strategies for ensuring the survival of their offspring.