What are the 10 smartest animals in world?

It's hard to definitively rank animals by intelligence, as different species excel in different cognitive abilities. However, here are 10 animals often considered to be highly intelligent, along with their impressive capabilities:

1. Chimpanzees: Known for their problem-solving skills, tool use, and social complexity. They can even recognize themselves in mirrors.

2. Dolphins: Highly social creatures with complex communication systems and impressive spatial memory. They exhibit self-awareness and can learn complex tasks.

3. African Grey Parrots: Highly vocal birds that can mimic human speech and have a remarkable ability to understand and use language.

4. Raccoons: Opportunistic and adaptable, raccoons are known for their dexterity and problem-solving skills. They can open complex locks and even use tools.

5. Pigs: Surprisingly intelligent, pigs have excellent spatial memory and can be trained to play video games. They also exhibit empathy and complex social interactions.

6. Crows: Highly adaptable birds known for their problem-solving abilities, tool use, and social intelligence. They even display a rudimentary understanding of cause and effect.

7. Dogs: Dogs are highly trainable and can learn complex commands. They also show strong emotional bonds with their owners and exhibit self-awareness.

8. Rats: Rats are remarkably intelligent creatures, known for their problem-solving abilities, learning skills, and social complexity.

9. Octopuses: These cephalopods have a complex nervous system and demonstrate incredible problem-solving skills, memory, and even tool use.

10. Elephants: Highly social creatures with strong memory and complex communication systems. They display self-awareness, empathy, and even grief.

It's important to note that this is just a starting point, and many other animals exhibit impressive cognitive abilities. The study of animal intelligence is an ongoing field with new discoveries being made all the time.