Here are some possibilities:
Animals with significant transformations:
* Butterflies and moths: Caterpillars, the larval stage, look nothing like their adult winged forms.
* Frogs and toads: Tadpoles are aquatic and have no legs, while adults are terrestrial and have four legs.
* Sea turtles: Baby sea turtles hatch on the beach and look like miniature versions of adults, but they grow significantly in size and develop unique markings.
* Many insects: Some insects go through metamorphosis, where the larval stage (like a caterpillar) is very different from the adult stage (like a butterfly).
Animals with significant color or pattern changes:
* Chameleons: They can change their color for camouflage or communication, making them appear different from their mothers at times.
* Some fish: Fish can change color based on their environment or mood, making them appear different from their mothers.
Animals with unpredictable variations:
* Many mammals: While most mammals inherit traits from their parents, there can be variations in coat color, patterns, and even size due to genetic recombination. This means that siblings, and even mother and offspring, might look different from each other.
Important Note:
While some animals might appear different from their mothers, they still inherit their genetic makeup. This means that even though they might have different colors, patterns, or even shapes, they are still closely related and share many of the same characteristics.