Which animal can smell blood?

Many animals can smell blood, but some are more sensitive to it than others. Here are a few examples:

* Sharks: Known for their incredible sense of smell, sharks can detect even a single drop of blood in a massive amount of water.

* Dogs: While not as sensitive as sharks, dogs have a highly developed sense of smell and can detect blood from a distance. They are often used in search and rescue operations to find lost individuals or victims of accidents.

* Vultures: These scavengers rely on their keen sense of smell to locate carcasses. They can smell blood and decaying flesh from miles away.

* Mosquitoes: Although they don't smell blood directly, they are attracted to the chemicals released from the skin, including lactic acid, which increases after an injury.

* Flies: Similar to mosquitoes, flies are attracted to the scent of decaying flesh and often congregate around wounds and blood.

It's important to note that the ability to smell blood varies greatly between species and even individuals within a species.