How to Tame Chickens

Whether you are interested in a steady supply of eggs or you are interested in chicken shows and exotic breeds, keeping chickens on your property may be for you. Chickens are social animals, and with enough consistent effort and patience, a chicken can be tamed to the point where it thinks of you as part of its flock. Get on friendly terms with your chicken and tame it so that interactions with the bird are pleasant.

Things You'll Need

  • Bread
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      Sit down near where the chickens are housed. While some chickens are accustomed to being close to humans, other chickens are skittish enough that even a human sitting still near them will make them nervous. Gradually extend the time you sit near the chicken until it is not startled when you approach.

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      Hold your hand near the chicken. Chickens become startled when they see a hand suddenly reaching for them, and this makes catching them in the future even harder. Hold your hand near the chicken's cage so that it can see that the hand is not threatening.

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      Sing or talk to the chicken on a daily basis so it grows accustomed to your voice.

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      Tempt the chicken closer to you with small pieces of bread. Call the chicken using the same phrase or sound and then throw it a small piece of bread. As time goes on, toss the bread closer and closer to you. Though it takes patience, you can convince a chicken to eat from your hand in this manner.

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      Stroke the chicken's head and neck when it is comfortable approaching you and sitting close to you. This is much like preening, where the chickens groom themselves and other members of their flock, and it soothes them.