How to Collect Chicken-laid Eggs

Not all chickens lay eggs, and even egg-laying chickens only lay eggs when they reach maturity. Once female chickens, or hens, are mature, they can lay eggs almost every day, summer and winter. Collecting eggs does not need to be done every day, but the eggs may freeze during the winter or rot in the summer if they are left for more than three days. A hen may stop laying if the eggs are left to sit in her nest.

Things You'll Need

  • Egg cartons, basket
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    • 1

      Check in the morning for eggs. While hens lay at varying times, most eggs are laid by noon. Check at a time when most of the hens are not in their nests, such as while they are eating.

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      Remove eggs gently from the nests with no chickens in them. Place them into egg cartons, a padded container, or even your T-shirt.

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      Collect eggs from the nests with hens in them. Slide your hand gently under the hen, ignoring her if she tries to peck you, and carefully pull the eggs out from under her. If the hen is particularly aggressive, talk softly to her and move slowly. It is important to check every nest, since you might not see eggs the hen is hiding under her body.

    • 4

      Clean your collected eggs and put them in the refrigerator.