* Lions: Lions are the main predators of hyenas, particularly in areas where they share territory. They often compete for food and territory, and lions will sometimes kill and eat hyenas.
* Leopards: Leopards are also known to prey on hyenas, especially cubs. They are more agile and can outmaneuver hyenas in trees.
* African wild dogs: While not as large as lions or leopards, African wild dogs can hunt in packs and sometimes prey on hyenas, especially cubs or weaker individuals.
* Other hyenas: Hyenas are social animals and will occasionally fight with other hyena clans. Larger and stronger hyenas may kill weaker individuals or cubs from rival clans.
It's important to note that hyenas are not often preyed upon by these animals. They are strong and fierce, and their packs can defend themselves well. However, these animals can pose a threat, especially to young or vulnerable hyenas.