Differences Between Male & Female Australorp Chickens

The Australorp chicken hails from Australia and has either black, white or blue plumage. The differences between the male and female Australorp chickens are not visibly noticeable until the chickens reach 4 to 6 weeks of age. Vent sexing is the only way to determine the sex of an Australorp chicken before reaching this age. Highly trained individuals who work for large commercial hatcheries have the skills required to sex baby chicks. Hobby chicken keepers must rely on the visual differences that take place as the two sexes mature.
  1. Size

    • The male Australorp chickens are taller and broader than the females. They may be the same size when they hatch, but the size difference gets more noticeable as the chicks reach 4 to 6 weeks of age.

    Head and Legs

    • The comb and waddles of the male Australorp chicken grow larger than the females. The head is also larger. As the males mature, the spurs on their legs grow longer than the females. These are used by the male to fight off predators and other potential male suitors.

    Feathering and Color

    • Most male birds are more colorful than the females. Brighter colors help the male attract attention away from the female and her young. The male Australorp will have a shinier plumage, while the female is more dull in luster. The rooster's tail feathers grow longer than the females.


    • The male Australorp crows and the female clucks. The crow is a territorial call that the male makes to warn other males of his dominance. The female clucks are often made when distressed or after laying an egg. The male will occasionally cluck when courting a female or to notify the flock of the discovery of food. Of the two, the male is the most vocal.


    • The male has the ability to fertilize the eggs and the female has the ability to lay them. She also sits on the eggs while the male does not. The male dances for the female before mating while the female seems less than interested.