How to Care for Southdown Babydoll Sheep

Southdown Babydoll sheep, also known as miniature babydoll sheep or Old English Southdown babydoll sheep, are an old, traditional sheep breed. They grow to only about two feet tall at the shoulder. Southdown sheep can help break the surface of soil, as well improving soil fertility by depositing grassy manure in their area. They can also serve as natural lawn mowers, keeping grass trimmed by grazing on it. They are often found in vineyards, grazing and keeping weeds under control. They are a hardy sheep breed, but still require some basic care in order to remain healthy.

Things You'll Need

  • Fencing
  • Covered outdoor shelter
  • Water trough or bucket
  • Hay
  • Sheep wormer
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      Provide a large, grassy area for the sheep to graze. This area should be fenced off so that the sheep do not escape from your property. The area should be large enough that the sheep can roam, getting some exercise. There should also be enough land so that the sheep do not graze the grass to the ground.

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      Supply a shelter, big enough to provide cover for all the sheep in your flock. This shelter does not need to be anything major, such as a barn, as sheep don't mind living in all kinds of weather. A covered area, which will provide some shelter and shade, is enough for Babydoll sheep. Sheep will only need an enclosed, warm area, like a barn, when they are very young and vulnerable to temperature changes.

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      Make sure the sheep have a full water bucket or trough every day.

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      Feed the Babydoll sheep once or twice a day with a quality sheep hay. How much hay the sheep eat will depend on how much grazing they are doing. Feed lactating ewes grain that is specifically designed for sheep.

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      Shear the Babydoll sheep yearly. All sheep breeds need to be shorn yearly.

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      Worm the sheep regularly. Worming helps control internal sheep parasites. Sheep should be wormed at least twice a year. You may need to worm them more often depending on where you live and what your climate is like, but Babydoll sheep are somewhat resistant to parasites. Wormers that come in paste form, and are administered by mouth, are often the easiest method.

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      Vaccinate the sheep yearly. All sheep require a yearly vaccination, called CD-T or CD and T. This vaccine protects against enterotoxemia, which can be found in two types, C and D, and tetanus. Pregnant ewes and newborn lambs will also require some other types of preventative vaccinations.

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      Maintain the sheep's hooves. Babydoll sheep have hard, sturdy feet which are not usually prone to hoof rot, but it's still important to check them now and then to make sure that they are not too wet or developing any fungus. Sheep hooves should also be trimmed from time to time, whenever they get too long, to maintain proper length.