How to Make a Chicken Coop on a Wagon

Raising chickens in the backyard has become more popular during the past decade. Why would anyone want to undertake such a messy responsibility? Some of the benefits of raising a so-called "urban chicken" include having fresh eggs and an inexpensive means of weed control. In addition, a chicken is a relatively easy-to-maintain pet. But you can't just purchase a chicken and let it loose in your backyard. Chickens need a place to nest. Below is an easy method of building a chicken coop for both first-time owners and longtime raisers.

Things You'll Need

  • Wooden wagon
  • Chicken wire or wire mesh
  • 1 doghouse
  • Hammer
  • Nails, 1-inch
  • 1 sheet plywood
  • 2 boards, 1-inch by 1-inch
  • 2 boards, 2-inch by 4-inch
  • Jigsaw
  • 2 strap hinges with screws
  • Tape measure
  • Wire cutters
  • Duct tape
  • Cinder block
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  1. Assemble Your Chicken Coop

    • 1

      Measure the width of your wooden wagon. The doghouse you select must fit snugly inside the wagon, with little or no room on each side of the structure.

    • 2

      Purchase a prefabricated doghouse. Use your jigsaw to cut windows into the sides of the doghouse that measure about 3-by-6 inches. Use the wire cutters to cut a piece of the wire mesh that is wide enough to cover each window and long enough to stretch from the top of the window all the way underneath the doghouse. Do the same for a piece that will cover the doghouse door, leaving about three inches of extra length on the end, and drive one nail into the roof of the doghouse, right above the door.

    • 3

      Place the doghouse inside the wooden wagon all the way against the back. Make sure each piece of wire mesh is in place under each side of the structure. Place the cinder block on top of the extra wire mesh covering the door. This will keep the chickens from getting out when you want them to remain inside the coop. To let the chickens roam freely, simply remove the cinder block, roll up the wire mesh and attach it to the nail on the edge of the roof.

    • 4

      Cut the sheet of plywood so that it is the same width as the wooden wagon and about half as long. Cut the 1-by-1-inch boards the same width as the plywood. Nail each piece of the 1-by-1-inch board horizontally onto the top of the plywood, making sure to space each piece of wood about two or three inches apart. This will be the ramp and ladder that allows your chickens to walk in and out of the coop.

    • 5

      Attach the plywood ramp to the lip of the open end of the wagon, using the strap hinges. Place feed containers, water and whatever else you like inside the doghouse.

    • 6

      Cut a piece of wire mesh the length of the wooden wagon and stretch the wire from one side of the wooden wagon to the other, making a "roof" in the shape of a "U." Use duct tape to hold each side in place.

    • 7

      Cut the 2-by-4-inch board slightly longer than the edges of the wire mesh that now is covering the wagon. Nail the boards securely into place on each side of the wagon over the taped spots, which will lock the mesh into place permanently. Your chicken coop is now ready for use.