Do Pigmy Goats Need Heat Lamps in Winter?

Pygmy goats are kept on farms because they are great producers of milk, but they also make affectionate, intelligent pets. An 8-by-10-foot shed with elevated eating and sleeping places is large enough to keep four animals in. You will also need an outside enclosure with a fence at least 4 feet high.
  1. Winter

    • Goats are hardy animals but they are susceptible to pneumonia in winter. You need to provide them with a non-drafty, dry environment during the cold months. Most pygmy goats grow a fluffy undercoat of hair to help keep them warm in winter. Healthy goats that have grown sufficient amounts of hair and are supplied with a dry environment with no drafts should not require heat lamps. If your goat is supplied with a place out of the wind and anther goat to cuddle with, and adequate food and water, then it should be enough to allow the animal to regulate its body temperature without heating lamps.


    • Heat lamps are good for sick goats. They can also be used when your pygmy goat is young and not yet able to regulate its internal temperature. Sometimes heat lamps need to be used to keep the kids from freezing. If your pygmy goat is shivering, has gotten wet or damp, or you have a pygmy goat that has not grown the usual undercoat of hair, then having a heat lamp on hand can be helpful.


    • Barns and sheds are always at high risk for fire, and heat lamps in a barn setting are a huge fire hazard. If you choose to use a heat lamp, cage it, and make sure you place it far away from any bedding. Make sure that it is far enough away that it cannot get bumped by you or the goat. Make sure that the cords are out of the way of the goats who might try to chew through them.


    • If your pygmy goats are coming and going between a heated enclosure and frigid outdoor areas, it can be a shock to their system. Even in winter your pygmy goats need to have daily exercise, even when there is snow on the ground. It is not good for your pygmy goats to have dramatic temperature changes; this can lead to illness. Overheating the animals can be as detrimental to their health as under-heating them.

    Other Methods

    • If your pygmy goat needs extra warmth you can also try goat coats. They are usually made out of fleece and can be attached by Velcro or strapped onto the goat. Baby goats can also fit into some sweaters made for dogs. Eating is one important way that pygmy goats maintain their body temperature. Make sure that your goats are supplied with adequate amounts of hay and make sure that they maintain their body weight.