How to Potty Train a Chicken

Although it may sound odd to some people, chickens can make entertaining pets. Chickens that are used to humans can be friendly and playful and can be trained to do simple tasks. It is easiest to bond closely with a chicken you have hand-raised from a chick, and it is important to learn about the needs of the specific breed before buying a chicken. Chickens need to be outside at least part of the day every day, but a housebroken pet chicken can come indoors to spend time with its human friends. With time and patience, you can help your chicken become a welcome house guest.

Things You'll Need

  • Old newspapers
  • Animal training clicker
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      Learn the signs your chicken makes just before relieving itself. Chickens generally will signal with body language, such as tail-twitching.

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      Spread old newspapers in a corner of your home where the chicken can go to the bathroom.

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      Sit with your chicken perched on your hand or arm near the newspapers and relax while watching for its signal.

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      Hold the chicken over the newspapers when you see the signal. When the chicken goes to the bathroom use the clicker and give it a treat. It is very important to click and give the chicken the treat immediately so that it will form an association between going on the paper, hearing the sound and getting a reward.

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      Repeat this process many times. Eventually you will be able to take the chicken to the paper and signal it to relieve itself with the clicker.