How to Prepare to Raise Chickens

Although raising chickens can be a very rich and rewarding experience, it is not for the faint of heart. However, with adequate preparation, you will find that raising chickens is an enjoyable hobby sure to be fun for the entire family.


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      Consider what you are buying your chickens for and choose an appropriate breed. Different varieties of chicken have been bred for specific functions, and this can often impact how they are raised, as well as how they grow. Take these considerations into account when you are preparing to choose a variety.

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      Make sure that you have the financial resources necessary to fully take care of chickens. Many people undertake the project of raising chickens without fully recognizing the costs. Remember, you are going to have to pay for food, bedding, water and other incidentals, so be sure to budget accordingly.

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      Make sure that you have enough room to be able to house chickens. Although they do not take up as much as room as larger livestock like cattle or horses, a flock of 10 chickens will still need about two feet per chicken to feel completely comfortable and healthy. Furthermore, it is best if they have access to an outside area where they can forage for bugs, as well as eat small rocks and stones that will aid them in digestion.

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      Make sure that you have the right materials to house and take care of them when they are young, assuming you are buying them as chicks. These items include: a proper enclosure and bedding, appropriately sized feeders and waterers, appropriate feed for young chicks and a heat bulb. These should all be purchased well in advance of the arrival of your chicks to ensure that they get the best care.

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      Be aware of any special requirements of differences particular to the breed of chicken that you plan to raise. Although most chickens require just the basics, some of the more exotic breeds may require more care and attention to their feathers. The Silver Phoenix, for example, has tail feathers that can grow very long and, therefore, require special and more advanced grooming.

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      Make sure you set aside time to adequately take care of your new feathered friends. Ideally, you will probably spend at least 30 to 60 minutes per day caring for your chickens, including such tasks as feeding them, cleaning out their water dispenser and refilling it, collecting eggs when the time comes and other similar tasks.