How to Make Chickens Lay More Eggs

You feed and take care of your chickens day in and day out, and all you ask in return is that they provide you with eggs. If you think they aren't holding up their end of the bargain there are a few things you can do to ensure your flock provides you with plenty of those tasty oblong treasures.


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      Give your chickens more light. During the winter the days shorten and so does the egg supply. The remedy for this problem is as simple as the words "light bulb": extend those short winter days by putting a light out in the chicken run that turns on and off with a timer.

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      Make sure your hens are getting a balanced diet. Most laying mash varieties can add the necessary protein your chickens need for healthy laying, but make sure that you are adding other nutrients to their diet as well. Chickens love fresh green leafy foods. They also love treats like grapes and watermelons. Whenever you see a cricket or slow-moving bug or nightcrawler, throw it to them and watch them go bonkers. If you notice their eggs are fragile, add oyster shell to their diet. Some raw garlic dropped into their water also insures overall health.

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      Minimize the stress your chickens have to deal with every day. Make sure they are safe from predators or things that may seem to them like predators, like your dog. Chickens love their privacy and so their laying boxes should also be highly inviting.