How to Care for Sicilian Donkeys

Sicilian donkeys are miniature donkeys that hail from Sicily. They stand 36 inches at the tallest, and look like standard donkeys. These little animals are affectionate and fairly easy to care for. With proper health care and maintenance, they can live for 25 to 30 years. Because they're friendly and easy to maintain, donkeys are easy to keep and make good pets for families that have room for livestock.

Things You'll Need

  • Adequate facilities
  • Grooming tools
  • Dewormer
  • Alfalfa hay
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      Sicilian donkeys form close attachments to humans and other donkeys. If you're going to raise donkeys, do so in groups: Donkeys that are alone can become lonely and depressed.

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      Give your donkeys plenty of open space for exercise, and shelter from rain, wind and snow. The best setup is a barn enclosure attached to a large pasture.

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      Donkeys eat the same food as their larger equine cousins. Feed them alfalfa hay in flakes or pellets, and make sure they have a constant source of clean water available.

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      Clean the donkey's enclosure consistently, to keep the donkeys clean and healthy.

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      Deworm your donkeys regularly, using a standard equine dewormer (available at most feed stores).

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      Groom your donkeys at least a couple times a week, using brushes and combs. This will keep your donkeys clean and mentally stimulated--they will enjoy the human contact. Make sure you have contact with your donkeys every day, be it grooming, games or otherwise.

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      Have your donkeys' feet trimmed by a professional farrier every six weeks or so. If the donkeys' feet get too long, they will crack and might cause injury.

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      Sicilian donkeys require vaccinations just like all other equines. Have your donkeys vaccinated once a year, per your vet's instructions.